The Passion

And the reason of this is that primitively he was homogeneous. The homesickness of this all and the persistence to reestablish it are what we call love (Platol, 1987). It is not, evidently, the physical union that makes with that one feels a so great pleasure with the presence of the other and it inhales with as much force, but is doubtlessly a different thing, the reason the soul of both wants a thing that it cannot state and only palpita in it as obscure intuition of what it is the solution of the enigma of its life. Aristfanes finishes its speech on the love of gorgeous form: I speak in thesis, as much of the man as of the woman, to affirm that our species alone could be happy when to carry through fully the purpose of love each one of us, to find its true one loved, returning, thus, to its first nature (Plato, 1987). The Slap-up meal not only demonstrates to the form of the platonic writings and the spontaneous transistion between the verbal and fragmentary teaching of Scrates and the strict didactic method of Aristotle, but the celebration and the louvor of Eros. 1.1 The Passion seen for the philosophy does not have philosophy without passion, creativity, irreverncia under the risk of if transforming into knowing barren doutoral and.

However it does not have true passion without philosophy, that is, without organization and depth under the risk of if converting into ftil and spurious feeling. The philosophy is and will be always rational, but the full claim of the rationality cannot be confused with any reducionismo that obliterate and empobrea the real complexity human being. The man if does not reduce to the rational dimension as not if he reduces to any another dimension because the characteristic of the man is overcoming and the construction.